17 Best School Memes 2019

Best School Memes

Best School Memes

Nothing helps us procrastinate better than some good ol’ memes. Need to do math homework? Study for exams? Start that project that was assigned two weeks ago? Nah! You deserve a study break filled with chuckles and “That’s so true!” Exclamations. School memes are something we can all relate to whether in high school, college, or in an office dreaming of the simpler days where your desk was smaller and your lunches included twinkies.

We’ve also thrown in some references to hilariously funny movies if you’re in the mood for even more laughs (after you’re done with your work, of course. *wink wink*). Seriously, though, if you don’t know the response to #17’s quote then you have even more homework to do that involves popcorn, soda, and Adam Sandler.

Here are 17 of the Best School Memes:

1. You And Me, Bro.

Best school memes


2. It Makes Sense… They Need Them For Probing.

Best school memes


3. I Turn My Back For One Second!

best school memes


4. Tick… Tick… Tick… BRRRRRNNNG!

Best school memes


5. Captain Don’t-Know-Jack Sparrow

Best School Memes


6. Um… like… Yeah, That’s All I Got.

Best School Memes

7. The Answer To Everything Is 42.

best school memes


8. Psst! Psst! A True Friend Would Go Up And Down Like An Elevator.

Best school memes


9. Austin To The 10th Powers. Yeah, Baby, Yeah!

best school memes


10. Just Let Me Finish My Sentence! Almoooooost… Done!

best school memes


11. I Don’t Mean To Butt In, But…

Best School Memes


12. Hang In There, It’ll Be Over Soon. (See What I Did There? Hang…Over. Hangover… Get It?!)

Best School Memes


13. When Frodo Is Getting Froyo On Summer Break

Best school memes


14. The Original Fidget Spinners

Best school memes


15. Truer Or Falser

Best School Memes


16. Didn’t You Get The Memo… I Mean Meme-o?

Best School Memes


17.   The Big Finale For The 17 Best School Memes

Best School Memes

Mr. Madison, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.” –Billy Madison (2009)


See, all of the terrible awkwardness, pointless homework, demanding teachers, and embarrassing moments in school are all worth it because that’s the stuff memes are made of. That’s the stuff we laugh about for years to come. That’s the stuff that keeps us from doing the work we are supposed to be doing right now. By the way, what were you supposed to be doing right now? I’m guessing it was something that did not involve reading 17 Best School Memes, but it was totally worth it, wasn’t it?

Make the funniest memes in your group of friends. Find the perfect image, gif, or video and use Meta Meme to turn it into the next big thing.  Click here and scroll down to download our app!

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